Life Medical Supplies

Jon Tmarz

best medical supply store mcallen tx

The Importance of Home Health Equipment for Seniors and People with Disabilities

As people age, they often encounter physical and mental challenges that can make it difficult for them to perform daily activities. For those who are living with disabilities, this can be a constant struggle. Fortunately, home health equipment is designed to help ease some of the difficulties that seniors and people with disabilities face in …

The Importance of Home Health Equipment for Seniors and People with Disabilities Read More »

Regaining Mobility and Personal independence

There are several ways for seniors to make mobility devices more affordable. #Medicare, #Veterans Assistance, state-based non-Medicaid programs, non-profit organizations and foundations, Medicare Supplement programs, and #Medicaid provide various forms of financial assistance if you meet their patient requirements. As a reputable and experienced Medicare-approved #durable #medical #equipment (#DME) supplier, we understand the many ways …

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